Docker 101

Leo Lo
2 min readNov 19, 2020

Useful docker commands

  1. list all docker images
docker image ls

2. list all docker containers

docker ps -a

Without -a , it will only display the container that is running.

3. build the docker image

docker image build -t [name of the image] .

If we have Dockerfile with an extension such as .dev , then we should run the following command

docker build -f .

Sometimes, if you forget to tag image name, you will get the following result in your command prompt (terminal) with running docker image ls

REPOSITORY   TAG       IMAGE ID       CREATED         SIZE<none>       <none>    01367f96bd59   3 minutes ago   414MB

Then you can solve the problem by tagging the container with the following command

docker tag [image id] [name of the image]

Variable explanation

--tag, -t : [options] name of the image
. : current path for your build context

4. Run the docker container

docker run -d -p [host port]:[container port] --name [name of container] [name of image]

Variable explanation

--detach, -d :[options] Run container in background and print container ID

With detach , the output will return the container id instead of outputting your program/system messages.

--publish , -p :[options] Publish a container’s port(s) to the host

If your flask server or other program has default port, you must match your container port with the default port in your program.

5. Stop running the docker container

docker stop [container id /container name]

6. Restart the docker container

docker restart [container id/container name]

7. Remove the docker container

docker rm [container id/container name]

7.1 Remove all docker container with status “Exited”

docker rm $(docker ps -a -f status=exited -q)
docker rm -v $(docker ps -aq -f status=exited)

`-v` argument will delete any Docker-managed volume that aren’t referenced by other containers.

8. Remove all images

docker rmi -f $(docker images -a -q)

9. Execute an interactive bash shell on the container

docker exec -it [container id/container name] bash

Variable explanation

--interactive, -i: [options] Keep STDIN open even if not attached-tty , -t:[options] Allocate a pseudo-TTY

10. Show the logs on the container

docker logs --details [container id/container name]

11. Show the real time logs on the container

docker logs -f [container id/container name]

12. Show the full text for docker container

docker container ls --no-trunc
The text in command column is overflow
After the executing the command, the full text can be shown in the cmd.

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